Abstract Submission and Guidelines

The instructions for Abstract submission and Competitive Sessions are provided below. Go through them carefully and adhere to these guidelines.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

  • All participants should register for the KENTCON 2024. Abstract will be considered for acceptance only after registration.
  • Abstract should contain name of presenter, institution and bonafide certificate of HOD (in case of PGs) and registration details and certificate from HOD.
  • Please mention your registration and AOI Kerala Membership number. PGs should get Associate Membership
  • The abstract should not be more than 200 words, MS Word format. Times New Roman, font size 12.
  • The last date for submitting the abstract for scientific contribution is 31st August 2024.
  • PG presentations can be case series/original paper/case report.
  • Abstracts received after the last date will not be accepted under any circumstances.
  • The scientific committee reserves the right to formulate the rules and regulations for the smooth conduct of the competitive representations.
  • Abstracts will be scrutinised and selected for competitive sessions.
  • Those papers which are not selected (will be intimated by email) will be allowed as free paper presentations and will be given certificates.
  • All scientific presentations competing for the medals should contain only the Presenter's name on the first slide with no mention of the name of institution, place, co-author or HOD anywhere in the presentation. Any violations will lead to the rejection of the paper. This is not applicable to non-competitive general presentations.
  • Various aspects like quality, content, relevance, timing and way of presentation will be considered during assessment.
  • The judge can disqualify a presentation if the presenter does not adhere to the rules and time.
  • Judge’s decision will be final and binding.
  • For PG paper series, time duration is 8 minutes and for PG case report is 5 minutes.
  • For consultant paper, the time duration is 8 minutes.
  • All the presenters should report to the scientific committee before 11.00 am on 27th September 2024.

Guidelines for Competitive Sessions

Poster Presentations

The e poster will be displayed on standard 42/50” (Diagonal) LCD/LED.File format should be power point(ppt/pptx) in size of 16:9.Total size of presentation should not exceed 20 mb.The poster should be preferably have single power point slide or maximum 3 slides.All slides should be in landscape format.

Animation/movies/sound will not be supported.Do not include your college name or names of the guides or use any background that gives away the identity of your institute or place in the slide along with the title of the study, just mention name and the registration number of the presenter and include a passport size photo of the presenter in the title slide of the presentation. The presenter should be available for the interaction with the judges during the scheduled judging session.

The poster should be a visual presentation of your submitted abstract.Abstract of the poster should be send through the above link before 31st August.

Sample e poster available for download at sample e-poster.pptx

Video Presentation

Video presentation is for consultants only. Registration for conference is mandatory to submit entries.

Duration of videos should be 5 minutes or lesser and should be compatible with windows media player, the video should be handed over before 11:00 AM, 27th September 2024.

Audio input has to be incorporated into the videos.

Quiz Competition

Quiz competition is only for PG’s and each team will consist of two registered persons of the same Bonafide certificate from the HOD is mandatory.

More than one team can participate from a single institution.Preliminary round will be there on the first day before the quiz finals.

Registration for the quiz is to be done at the venue.